Friday, February 22, 2008

I often don't listen to advice form my big sister. One of the first things I really remember hearing was the day I got cut from rushing at IU . I was hysterical on my sterile dorm room floor. Switching between sobbing and listing off my worries to her on the phone. She told me to not worry about things before they happen. She was referring to my concern about who I was going to live with the following year, I was POSITIVE that I would have no friends that wouldn't end up rushing and would end up living alone.
It wasn't the first time she had said that too me, but thankfully I was vulnerable enough to listen.

Naturally the stars fell in to place when I didn't try to control my life, things worked out differently than I planned- but it was OK. Funny enough, I was worried about living alone and here I am almost 2 years later sitting in my single bedroom apartment, that I work my ass off to have.

This week I kind of had the same situation happen. I had writers block on an essay that I kept beating myself up over, money problems, 2 tests that I wouldn't study for until I finished my essay , the fear then that I was going to turn my essay in late and screw up my grade, and then to top it off I gave myself a tummy ache from mindlessly eating gummy bears (OK the last thing is something I deserved:) .

I took my business and psych tests instead of trying to get out of them, they weren't bad (It's amazing what going to class does..... you don't have to learn the stuff the night before the test on your own... it's really astounding). Running now on scholarly confidence and a caffeine high, I went to my English teachers office before class. I was honest- told her I didn't was to skip class, but I didn't have my essay. Like all college professors SHOULD- she gave me props on being honest, and told me thanks for telling her, turn it in when it's something I'm proud of.
I can't go back now and stop myself from having the 3 day long tension headache..... but I can remind myself that it all turned out OK, no matter how much I worried.

The week also just keeps getting better! I didn't have to work today because of the snow (paid vacation:) and now i'm off to a a cabin all weekend to plan for the summer with the rest of the leadership team. It's such a werid feeling that it's finally our turn (Our meaning the fact Kientz, Erin, Allison, Dani and I) will finally be sitting at a leadership meeting. I wouldn't describe it as a power surge, just pure bliss. One of our planned activities is sledding..... This is going to be a GREAT weekend.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

So.... Tonight I went to the Rpac with Sam, Connor and John--Llaw school has been getting tough or they just wanted to get ripped but they worked out much longer than I was expecting. I kept doing more and more weight machines and having fun seeing how they work, but now I just got up to get water and I could hardly get out of bed, it's going to be a rough morning.

I got the bookings for my big birthday gift from Poppy/Uncle John/mom........ A trip to San Fran and Napa in April:) Although it's dorky, I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO SO Happy that I get to go tour wine country with my 94 year old grandpa. Also, I think I have to start singing again so that I will be able to perform at this boat thing with Poppy and Uncle J. --- do you think big spender is inappropriate? How about bootylicious?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ha, have you all seen Animal House recently? It's such a classic:) I plopped down to start my homework and keep giggling.
Hahahahah my foreign neighbors just walked by and looked to see the scene from Animal house when the Omegas are being initiated by being spanked naked by a paddle in a hellish like room saying "thank you sir may I have another". They always walk by at the worst times.........

Memorable experiences:

*My first boxing match. Last night we went to Kevin and Gretchen's to watch a Pay Per View match between these two punks, one from Ohio. The Ohioan won and luckily not too much blood was shed, mostly vasaline. They will put vasaline EVERYWHERE on the boxer in between rounds- even up their nose on a q-tip (not too pretty to watch).

*Connor and I spent valentines day at Akita, where we met (awwwwww). I was AMAZED by how small camp looks when there are no leaves on any trees. From the lodge you can see bald the top of bald eagle and the far field.

NO WAY they just walked by again, and the pillow fight scene with girls in the underwear was going on.... they must think i'm the biggest creep.

* Callie made a cameo last weekend. WE spent Sunday night cuddleing on my couch, judging the grammys and sipping pinot noir. HEAVEN.

Monday Monday Monday, yikes. I need to go get started on an essay. Maybe i'll go work on the elliptical first - if I listen to grammar girl podcast during my workout i'll get in the mood.

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