Monday, October 08, 2007

I just got this picture from Breakfast at Tiffany's enlarged and framed for my new place. Don't you love it?! My favorite scene in the movie is "The party". I could only hope I throw such a large bash, too bad I don't have someone like George Preppard living above me.
Bonjour! Happy Columbus Day!

I have no class today! Apparently my school really takes the discovery of the new world seriously. I guess I am taking classes at COLUMBUS state.
Ah, yes to update you all I am taking classes at THE Columbus State this quarter. I'm getting all of my big General Education Requirements done there, so then this winter I can start focusing on my major at THE Ohio State University. My Quarter is extremely basic, so at times--- boring. Thank god I took French to keep me going. I am taking French I, World Regional Geography, Psych 100, and Honors English. (*** For those of you who are wondering, I was alittle shocked that I placed in to it as well! )

French is the BEST. I had a hard time choosing between Latin and French. It came down to Latin being MWF, and French MW. I loved that I would be done with classroom classes on Wednesday so I chose French. Moral of the story, being irrrational when choosing classes does kind of pay off.

It's October and 90 degrees, quite unusual fall weather. It's not only unusual, but unpleasant. I would love to study outside, but not when i'd be dripping sweat beads on to my Laptop. Apparently yesterday (according to Sam), someone died from heat exaustion at the Chicago Marathon, and a large number were hospitalized. YIKES.

I hope this day finds you well. Celebrate the whole gang; Ol' Chris, Queen Isabelle, King Ferdinarnd, The Nina, The Pinta and of course The Santa Maria.