Monday, April 09, 2007

Today's Musings:

"Entourage"- I just watched it for the first time last night. It's more so a guys show than Sopranos or anything action-like because it really shows the interworkings of the guys brain in the same way that "Sex and the City" does for women. I can't totally claim to have made that connection-- It's how Connor and John introduced it to me. The spell it put on them proved to mimic the "oh lets watch one more" syndrome that my old roomates and I couldn't seem to kick.
"24"- It's hard to watch sometimes and I usually forget to catch it but I ultimately feel smarter when I turn off the TV.
"Modern Marvels"- It's on the History Channel. Wait until the bathroom technology episode is on and you'll be curious

*Special K Red Berries ---- mmmm:)

-A Website about healthy living in general anything from staying fit, sleeping, products that have minimal chemicals -- you get it.
-The Blog/Podcast that is my bible. Think Real simple magazine +cosmo +oprah +shape. It's great, look for my comments on her past blogs:)

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