Sunday, March 02, 2008

Can I brag that I have the coolest friends ever? We had all been wrapped up in our own business for awhile this quarter/semester- for the first time ever I actually thought "Ok maybe maybe we will grow apart in college...." --- psh Never! We just needed the shit to hit the fan to realize the best stress reliever is always going to be a e-mail or phone call to one of the scones.

Anyone else hate sharing struggles with their friends abroad?? I used to overshare and now I will only write e-mails or blogs when I feel in control of a situation.
That doesn't help anyone I almost want to apologize to my friends to underestimating that you guys wouldn't want to hear crap going on. Completely false, because I would be PISSED if I found out they were struggling alone.
After reading struggles of a completely different nature from other friends-- it made me feel so good! We validated that it's ok to have a bump, lets go through this together and not try to give advice- just be there.

Yeah---- I have the coolest friends ever. Now I will go study for finals.

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