Wednesday, January 10, 2007


So far I got up, did Yoga, Bought books with Tara, let Tara buy me coldstone b/c I was bummed out, and now I'm about to (gulp) Pack. I try to do it when my roomies are gone b/c I get really sad, and I know they are trying their best to not be sad when i'm still here but I think emotions are going to just all blow up tonight. I told them I didn't want to go out to dinner b/c they are coming with me home this weeknd and I would rather just spend quality time with just the 4 of us at the house. We are ordering in Chinese, turning off our cell phones, making cosmopolitans and watching the entire sixth season of Sex and the City. It doesn't sound that crazy but it's the only thing that sounds so appealing. Especially the girls only thing, I feel like we always have a boyfriend lurking around here. I have gotten calls from almost all the scones at some point in the day today (cough cough Laura and Cristina, get on the ball). Also I caught up with Amanda and made plans to say my goodbyes to her all day tomorrow. It's been great to hear from everyone I love. Even though I am kind of "attched" this birthday - I still think if I was an old maid and just lived with my girlfriends the rest of my life I would be content.

It's been a good year. I think i'm overall the happiest i've ever been this birthday. I know i'm in charge of how I deal with every situation, and I think thats why this year keeps getting better and better. . RECAP of SARAH ELIZABETH HARTMAN KUHMAN, 19
- Depressed I couldn't rush, had to deal with the fact that I was 100 percent responsible and that I think whipped me in to the biggest attitude makeover i've ever had
-Became really self sufficent and ok with doing my own thing after I got in a fight with 1 of my two best friends at IU
-Got Fired from my art job for oversleeping (weeehhhwww HUGE lesson)
-Emerson broke my heart (yep I said it)
-Started Becoming a lot closer with Amanda when we both found a love of the Fiji Boys, and ended up getting asked to the Fiji formal the Black Diamond
-Met Michelle the south african chick at Black Diamond, shes a life long friend that I love
-Amanda and I became political, and I ended up devoting a lot to the Hoosier campaign
-Was chosen to be on the board of Aeons, this elite board that I schmoozed my way through hard work on the campaign
- Named Director of external Affairs of the Studnet Body (wow)
- Went to Maggie's formal at Miami and brought Michelle and Amanda with me --- that was a shit show
- Met Alli Shearer, Amanda's pledge sister and immediatly fell in love and became one of my closest IU friends
-Signed a lease on a whim to live with 3 girls from my floor
-Little 500 happened, it was amazing, I lived at Fiji
- My last IU experience was my mom, dad and amanda and I eating breakfast on a saturday morning at village deli. They let me walk amanda to her car and I think we sobbed the entire way.
I have a hand cramp.... i'll finish later

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