Wednesday, September 13, 2006

3:11 pm

MY FIRST POST! I hope this will be a good tool to help me let everyone from home know how I am doing! This is going to be a crazy year, and I have a feeling this blog will help ME keep sane ( as well as you because obviously you would be distraut if you didn't know what was going on with me).

The weather has been so unpredictable in B-town lately. I think it is the cause of my current sneezing and runny nose. I've decided to fight the war against my immune system and I am just laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket, and I am only eating fruits, and veggies and drinking TONS of water. I have a bad anxiaty feeling because today I was really going to work on getting my second job but I guess it'll have to wait.

I think I've waited so long because I honestly don't know what I want to do. I know I know - I need to just jump in to it with my full force, but I am spending my days not cleaning either doing work at the IUSA office, Reading or working out. I guess I have only been here for 2 1/2 weeks, so I should feel like a loser YET. Every time I go to get applications I just start getting repressed memories about my last 2 jobs (Cheryl's and the Art Bookshop). I really didn't like those jobs.....

Working at the Lesbians house has been solid. I have "advanced fast", now they just let me make my own hours and I go over when I want during the week because I have the garage code. It makes me think of a Mr. Roger's quote:

"It's not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life that ultimately nourish our souls. It's the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have to hear the truth, that the bedrock of our very being is firm. "

Working for this crazy family has been a blessing, and a lesson that you can never predict what opportunity will be on the other end of a three-line advertisement in the Indiana Daily Student.

The greatest decision I've made since I arrived is to open up a library card at the Monroe County Public Library. It's right on Kirkwood (our main drag) and is so welcoming. I have been reading like a madwoman, and have been really puntual about returning things on time ( I think I was on the UAPL wanted list many times....) I have on average about 5 books going, that feed to my wide array of interests. My Current List is:
-The Rich Life for the Frugal Woman (tips on cheap grocery shopping, and just other money saving tips)
-The World according to Mister Rogers (Amazing, amazing book. READ IT)
- French Women Don't Get Fat ( I've already read it, love the insight, basically you need to treat food like a delicacy and meal time as extremely important)
- Mary Kay (Mary Kay Ash's Biography, I'm getting in to the Mary Kay business and I figure reading about her might help me jump start- anyways if she made velocity facewash/lightweight moisturizer... She has to be worth reading about)
-The Diary of V; the affair (this is the trashy book that the woman that I'm cleaning for wrote.... I dare you to google it)

I decided to just stop my entries when I stop writing. This way I can just make random comments when needed and not feel like I have to really greet you, or say goodbye. I'm going to fold my laundry and make whole wheat pancakes.

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