Monday, December 08, 2008

Mid-finals and I'm kinda going crazy. Basically I think this is b/c I feel like I've been disconnected because i'm so busy...gahhhh, I didn't even get to go out for JJ's birthday this weekend, or have cake with her b/c I had a paper due. I'm 1/2 happy that I am finally responsible enough to not give in to my urges to attend things like that and then pull an all nighter, but I still would enjoy to spend time with my friends before they all scatter for the holidays.

Today I realized how much the Holland's are part of my life (the family i've baby-sat for the past two years). I found out they had to put their cat down and although I am not a cat fan, it made me really sad. Cam didn't flinch (he's 3), but Joey is 5 and he started to question the meaning of life after Beanie died. I have never seen him sad like this- and seeing a 5 year old mourning is a pretty heart breaking scene :(

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